Show Up Relentlessly, Embrace Unproductivity

Have you been experiencing a dose of artistic inertia? In my lifelong pursuit of a creative life I’ve definitely encountered my fair share. In the process, I’ve been lucky enough to gather and develop tools that have helped me plow through challenges and supercharge my creative process along the way. I’m excited to share some of my lessons with you today.

by : Rain Anya

Fragile or Fierce – The Great Slow Down

Being an aerialist, dreamer, achiever, small business owner, artist, and generally an extremely active individual has made me intimately acquainted with the concept of DOING […]

by : Sarah Bebe Holmes

Reflections from an Artist Residency

Developing the Aerial Nervous System I can’t wait to dive in and tell you all about the juicy discoveries we made in our recent creation […]

by : Rain Anya

Harsher Sides of Humanity in Theatre

Reflections from Sarah Bebe Holmes – Writer & Director A little over a month after our opening night I am reflecting on the process of […]

by : Sarah Bebe Holmes